neo Winglets

After having successfully developed various winglets for the Red Bull Air Race over a couple of years, we decided to use the methods and knowledge gained from these projects for developments in gliding. After the extremely successful winglets for the LS8, further projects for various DG and LS types followed. Since then, the term “neo” winglet has become a fixed term in the gliding scene. Each winglet is individually adapted in size and profile to the corresponding aircraft type.  We supply these new wing tips for the following aircraft types:


  • LS1-f (all variants)

  • LS4 (all variants)

  • LS6 (LS6-b and -c only)

  • LS7 (all variants)

  • LS8 (all variants)

  • LS1-c/-d (all variants)

  • LS3/-a in development

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The neo winglets for LS aircraft have the following characteristics:

  • Optimized to the respective wing profile in terms of size, angle of attack, pitch and profile.
  • Reduction of separation on the outer wing
  • Reduced induced drag
  • Increased agility / handling
  • Insensitivity to sliding
  • Significant improvement of performance in slow flight
  • DG1001 18m / 20m

  • DG300

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The 18 neo winglets for the DG1001 have the following features:

  • Optimized for 18m wingpan
  • Can be retrofitted to every DG1000 Club, S, T
  • Improved stall behavior
  • Reduced minimum speed
  • Better handling in thermals
  • Modern design


The 20m neo wingtips for DG1000 have the following features:

  • Optimized for 20m wingpan
  • Can be retrofitted to every DG1000 
  • Improved stall behavior
  • Reduced minimum speed
  • Better handling and feeling in thermals
  • Modern design

Follow all DG neo and LS neo gliders on WeGlide

DG neo and LS neo gliders on WeGlide